Past Workshops

Miss Something? Catch Up Here

January 2022. Is your marketing and studio schedule proactive or reactive? If you don’t know what you’re going to offer and how you’re going to sell it each quarter, start here.

February 2022. Are you set up for success this year? Learn how to set goals that set you up for success by month, quarter, and year, and the needle movers/action items to make those goals reality.

March 2022 The Numbers you NEED to know to run your business like a business.

April 2022. Define your client experience to welcome your new clients and keep them forever.

May 2022. Practice Makes Profitable sales pitch & script

June 2022- Decode Your Digital Marketing with Nathan

August 2022- Come Back Campaign Co-Working

October- Black Friday Planning Workshop

September 2022- Q4 Goal Setting Co-Working

December- Perfect Your Pricing Workshop