Gym and Fitness Sales: Three Quick Tools To Sell More Packages

tools to help gym owners make sales

What does your fitness studio’s conversion rate - the percentage of intro clients who go purchase long-term memberships- look like lately? Is it above 50 percent? Is it increasing or staying stagnant? Are leads treated like the most important revenue tool in your arsenal?

If those answers weren’t a resounding yes, let’s dive into a few tricks and tools that will make your process and close rate more successful without adding hours of work.

A Website Pop-Up Lead Magnet

tool to help gym conversion sales

You could be losing out on leads if you’re not using a pop-up yet. Pop-ups have earned themself a bad reputation lately, but that’s primarily due to misuse. Follow these steps to drastically improve your conversion rate:

  1. Get your timing right. The best success rate, on average, is between five and thirty seconds. You don’t want to interrupt your potential client before they have a chance to poke around, but if you wait too long, they may click out. Test your pop-up with a few different trigger times within that window to find the best time for your site.

  2. Keep it simple. It should only take a few seconds for the reader to deduce what you want and what you’ll give them in return. Keep the call to action specific and outline precisely what they’ll receive in exchange for their first name and email address.

  3. Offer something that your clients want. No one is giving away their email address for free- you’ll have to earn it. My favorite offer is a discount on your intro offer since that’s what you’re trying to entice them to buy. Dollar value discounts perform better than percentages. 

  4. Brand your pop-up. It may seem obvious, but ensure that your pop-up matches your website branding, so it feels cohesive rather than disruptive. A picture, your brand colors, and a clear message is all you need.

A Welcome Form

tools for membership sales

The most challenging part of the lead process is obtaining your clients’ contact information in order to start the conversation. You also want to learn their goals, potential objections, and ideal schedule so that you can make the sale later in their client flow. The easiest way to achieve this is to exchange a discount for their completed new client questionnaire. Include it as part of your pop-up, and now you’re double dipping on one action item. Keep the survey short- it should take less than two minutes- and follow up within 24 hours of sign-up. 

We use this with a majority of our private clients. Here’s one of my favorite examples.

The Punch Card 

tool to help gym membership sales

If you’ve been working with me for a while, you know that punch cards are my favorite tool to incentivize a quick purchase. The punch card works for a few reasons:

  1. Your new client is introduced to different staff members each time they turn their punch card in. The more people they meet, the more likely they will purchase at the end of their trial. 

  2. The incentive is earned so the client feels entitled to their discount- almost as if they’d lose out on their deserved deal by not purchasing.

  3. It’s a visual representation of their progress. Any sticker-chart people who appreciate immediate gratification will want to complete their punch card and are -again- more likely to purchase.

  4. It sets the tone of accountability. The expectation is that your client will attend class X number of times. Accountability built-in starting day one makes your job easier when selling at the end.

I like to make these punchcards on Canva and have them printed on a business card. Choose the number of classes based on your intro special and client flow. For example, if you’re setting clients up to purchase an unlimited membership, you’ll want them to attend approximately three times per week during their trial. If, on the other hand, you’re guiding them to an 8x per month membership, you might encourage four classes in two weeks. 

Lastly, if you’re doing a class package intro like my favorite buy 2 get 1 free package, your punch card will have three classes. You can also add any extra tasks you want to encourage. You might want to incentivize a client to attend their welcome tour or submit their new client questionnaire- both work well on a punch card.

There you have it - three tools to make your sales process that much easier. Ready to dive deeper into sales to start making more money right away? The Studio Sales Solution is live! Click below to check out the exact process that brought success to one of the Limitless pilates studios:

“Hello! I just looked at my November sales, they are $23,000! Highest in over 3 years! Thanks for your help!!! 💕🥳 All of our classes have waiting lists and more clients are getting upset that they can’t get in. Thanks Lead Sheet and for all your help Niki!”


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